天津装修公司 > Macos1015登录界面的海岛壁纸怎么更换 > 问答


Reboot system in recovery mode by holding command + r on startup.Open Terminal in recovery mode and enter the command “ disable”.Reboot the sys

问答分类 壁纸 海岛 更换 网友:青岛崂山逗号 来源:装修问答网 2024-06-29


  • 1、

    Reboot system in recovery mode by holding command + r on startup.

    Open Terminal in recovery mode and enter the command “ disable”.

    Reboot the system and login as an administrator.

    Open Terminal and enter the command (see note below) “sudo mount -t apfs -wu /dev/disk1s5/Volumes”.

    Enter the following command: “sudo mount -wu /; killall Finder”.

    Navigate to Computer -> Macintosh HD -> System -> Library -> Desktop Pictures.

    Rename the Catalina.heic file to Catalinaold.heic or a different unique file name.

    Move the desired login screen image into the Desktop Pictures folder.

    Rename the new file to Catalina.heic and then log out of the account to confirm changes.

    Step 4 details: Replace the “disk1s5” part of the command with proper partition name for your computer.



  • Reboot system in recovery mode by holding command + r on startup.

    Open Terminal in recovery mode and enter the command “ disable”.

    Reboot the system and login as an administrator.

    Open Terminal and enter the command (see note below) “sudo mount -t apfs -wu /dev/disk1s5/Volumes”.

    Enter the following command: “sudo mount -wu /; killall Finder”.

    Navigate to Computer -> Macintosh HD -> System -> Library -> Desktop Pictures.

    Rename the Catalina.heic file to Catalinaold.heic or a different unique file name.

    Move the desired login screen image into the Desktop Pictures folder.

    Rename the new file to Catalina.heic and then log out of the account to confirm changes.

    Step 4 details: Replace the “disk1s5” part of the command with proper partition name for your computer.


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